Please note that the following information are only available in English.
Have you ever wanted to participate in a triathlon, but did not know where to start? Or have you done a triathlon before, but would be interested in doing it together with other people from the association? Together with E.S.S.V. Alcedo and E.U.R. Roadrunners, we are organizing a special program to prepare for a triathlon! We will be participating in a triathlon in Delft on Sunday the 18th of June. You can choose to do a 4th or an 8th of a triathlon. The 8th of triathlon is 500-meter swimming, 20 km cycling and 5 km running and it costs 37 euros. You can also participate in a 4th of a triathlon which is 1000 meter swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running and it costs 47,50 euros. Next to that, we offer a couple of practices for a maximum of 15 euros*. The swimming practices are organized by Ragnar, and we will have selected cycling and running practices and clinics of Alcedo and Roadrunners. In addition, we will also be organizing some special transition practices in which we will practice multiple disciplines in one session as well as the transition between them! All these practices will be held on in the period of April to mid-June, with 1 or 2 practices each week.
You can sign-up for the triathlon through this link for the triathlon:
*This price may vary by up to 15 euros depending on the number of people that sign up, and excludes equipment, but includes a time-registration device and an NTB racing licence. If you don’t have the latter two, you will pay for those when registering for the event at the organisers.
When will the practices take place?
The practices will mostly take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, with swimming on Mondays and cycling and running on Wednesdays. In most cases, except for indoor swimming, the practices will start at around 7pm. You also have the opportunity to join special runs and cycling sessions during the weekends. Once you sign up, you will be placed in a group chat where the exact practices times and locations will be communicated a couple of weeks in advance.
What equipment will I need for the race and the practices?
For the race as well as the practices, we recommend having the proper equipment for each discipline. For swimming, this means a proper swimsuit, a cap and goggles. For cycling, you will need a proper (racing) bike and a helmet. It is also nice to have cycling shorts with padding, for some extra “comfort”. For running, proper shoes and clothes are no luxury. As we will be doing some open water practices as well as the race in May/June when the water might still be cold, we also recommend getting a wetsuit. Depending on the water temperature on the day of the race, a wetsuit might even be required. Both a bike and the wetsuit can also be rented for just the race, though this is relatively expensive, costing 50 and 40 euros respectively. It is probably cheapest to borrow it from someone you know. If you want to bother less with changing in the middle of the race, you can also consider getting a ‘trisuit’, which you can wear during all disciplines.
I can’t join the race but would still like to join the practices, can I?
The package we offer includes both the race and the practices. The race itself costs roughly 60 euros, which means that we are practically offering these practices for free. We therefore decided to prioritise people that will actually participate in the race. Depending on the capacity we have at practices and the amount of people that sign up, we might also allow some non-participants to join for a lower fee (25 euros). If you cannot join the race but would still want to join the practices to compete in another race, fill out the form and indicate this on there.
Can I use my normal bike?
There are no official rules for what kind of bike is allowed during the race, aside from the fact that electric bikes are NOT allowed. However, it is best to use an actual racing bike, as these allow you to go much faster than your average city bike. Check things like the Facebook Marketplace, Marktplaats, or your local bike shop for some second hand options. If you are lucky, you can find a decent bike for around €200-300 (with the possibility to put it up for sale later). Please pay attention to whether it has a suitable frame size, working brakes and preferably a minimum of 14 gears.
Can I also sign up if I am not part of Alcedo, Ragnar, or Roadrunners?
As long as you have an Erasmus Sports Pass, that is no problem! Please keep in mind that there are limited spots and that members from the three associations will be given priority.
Any other questions?
Feel free to email